I Didn’t Notice How Beautiful It Was.

My brother bought me a drone just for $#!+s and giggles. I told him that I didn’t want it and he was like nah you taking it! Long story short, I took it. One of the best decisions I’ve made and best gift I’ve gotten.

I’m sure you drive around your neighborhood or certain streets to work all the time. You see the same houses, businesses, and trees over and over. You become dull to it all, its boring, and you really forget to even try to look for something out of the ordinary.

When I took the drone up in the air for the first time, I saw my neighborhood from a different point of view. It was AMAZING! I knew of the pond in the back of the houses, but seeing it from 3oo feet it the air was absolutely breathtaking. Then, turning the camera and seeing the main road, going higher and seeing the tree line, going further and catching the sunset over the houses. I couldn’t believe I’ve been here for 16 years and haven’t seen my home like this before. I thought that was dope, but I’m a night owl. So I thought I wonder what the area looks like at dark, and again it was stunning.

Then it made me think “What else am I not seeing?” What else have I become dull to?” Was it person, work, or even myself? Having the drone made me think about one particular question that lead to more questions. I believe I have the answer which is simply “Once you’ve seen something, just for a second try to look at it from a different point of view.” I’m not saying if you think something is correct to change your mind on it. I’m just saying don’t limit yourself to one answer at first. There might be a good answer, but there also might be a better answer as well. To double check something only gives you more confident that you’re right and just in your actions.

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